
Category: Symphonic Orchestra

Haluach Hashavur (The Broken Blackboard)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Shmuel Hupert Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990024238230205171 (Shabtai Petrushka’s estate) Additional Details: We do not have the sheet music of the composition, only an arrangement done by Shabtai Petrushka. Synopsis: In his opus book the only information…

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Marche Funebre (Funeral March)

Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990035288490205171 Additional Details: The composition is not documented in the composer’s opus book. Except for the manuscript, we have no information about it. According to the manuscript, it seems to have been written in his…

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Pieces for Orchestra (10 Songs)

Movements: Zot Admati (This is my Land), Opus 207 Shir Eres (Lullaby), Opus 48 Sirati (My Boat), Opus 50 Debka Ts’ad Shimshon (March, Samson), Opus 214 Shir Ahava (Love Song), Opus 231 Shir Roim (Shepherds’ Song), Opus 208 Boa Dodi (Come, My Beloved), Opus 222 Shir Hakotsrim (The Harvest Song) Hora, Opus 206.3 Recording: Not…

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Emek Variations

Movements: Arabic, Italy, France, Scotland, Spain, England, Romania, Russia, China, Africa, Hungary, Poland, America Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990036494740205171 Synopsis: Lavry, a master of improvisation and orchestration, wrote for a radio program variations on his well-known composition Emek, Symphonic…

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Variation on the song “Ani Purim”

Recording from 1973: Hanan Schlesinger, Conductor Yitzhak Shimoni, Narrator Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Movements: 1. Ani Purim – Theme and Introduction 2. Handel Style 3. Mozart Style 4. Beethoven Style 5. Rossini Style 6. Schubert Style 7. Verdi Style 8. Tchaikovsky Style 9. Grieg Style 10. Johann Strauss Style 1 1….

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Symphony No. 3

Movement I – Andantino – Vivace Recording: Not available Manuscripts: The sheet music for first movement is missing. The sheet music for the second and third movements is located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038438830205171, 990038438850205171, 990038438840205171 Synopsis: Lavry wrote and never completed his symphony No….

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Capriccio in the Sun for Orchestra

The world premiere of Capriccio in the Sun, at a July 28, 2024 concert by the Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion, held as part of The Year of Marc Lavry 2023-2024. Conductor: Daniel Raiskin The Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion Recording: Not yet available Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: With Marc Lavry’s sudden…

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Fanfare for the President

Recording: Not yet available Sheet Music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition.

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Hora Evel – Trauerhora (Funeral March)

Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038438090205171, 990038438060205171 Synopsis: Lavry wrote his Symphony No. 1 three times. In 1931 Lavry attempted to write his first symphony, Symphony No. 1, Op. 21. Even though he was already an accomplished composer, by the time…

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Ts’ad Shimshon (March, Samson), Song

Historic recordings from 1948: Track 1: Marc Lavry, Conductor, Yosefa Shoken, Soprano Yosef Pollak, Baritone Choir and Orchestra (no details) Track 2: Symphonic Orchestra (no details) Lyrics: Avigdor Hame’iri Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038500200205171, 990038500180205171, 990037127760205171< Additional details: for information about Ts’ad Shimshon for...

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Tanin (Crocodile), Polka and Rahav (Splendor), Waltz

Recorded In Haifa 1960 Movements: Polka – Waltz Sheet music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition. Synopsis: On the occasion of the arrival of the first two Israeli Navy submarines, INS “Tanin” (Crocodile) and INS “Rahav” (Splendor), an impressive reception ceremony was held at the naval base in…

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Variations on a Latvian Song by Fahn Zalit

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics: Fahn Zalit Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990036491720205171 Information from the composer’s opus book: Performances: String quartet: The Society for Eastern European Music and Art, Bechstein Hall, Berlin – November 15, 1931 The German Radio Quartet – June 6 (year…

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Variations on a Latvian Folk Motif for Orchestra

Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038500280205171 Information from the composer’s opus book: Performances: Berlin Symphony Orchestra – March 3, 1931 Koln – December 2, 1931 Riga Symphony – April 12, 1931 Riga Radio Symphony – May 15, 1934

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Tennis – Dance Match

Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990035290640205171 Synopsis: The Ballet was written with the collaboration of ballet master Lazar Galpern. Anecdote: In the end of the scene outline (below), Lavry scribbeld his imaginary scene. Information from the composer’s opus book: Performances: State…

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Overture for Turandot for Symphony Orchestra

Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038389090205171 Synopsis: Overture to a play by Schiller Information from the composer’s opus book: Performances: Stern Conservatory, Berlin – January 1929 Berlin Symphony Orchestra – April 6, 1930 Riga Symphony Orchestra – Summer 1930

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