
Tag: Poets

Al Hasafsal (On the Bench)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Nathan Alterman Sheet Music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition. Synopsis: In his opus book Lavry indicated that this song was written for Yosef Goland who was the first “pop star” in Israel. Lavry wrote several songs for him.

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Srochei Na’alayim (Shoelaces)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Nathan Alterman Sheet Music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition. Synopsis: In his opus book Lavry indicated that this song was written for Yosef Goland who was the first “pop star” in Israel. Lavry wrote several songs for him.

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Shir Hasabal (The Longshoreman Song)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Nathan Alterman Sheet Music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition. Synopsis: In his opus book Lavry indicated that this song was written for Yosef Goland who was the first “pop star” in Israel. Lavry wrote several songs for him.

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Boker Al Hachof (Morning on the Beach), Song

A recording from September 30, 1959: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Avraham Broides Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society (the sheet music is currently missing) Synopsis: In 1959, Lavry wrote three popular songs: Kach Tov Li (I Feel So Good), Opus 283, Hikiti La’isha (I…

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Me’arat Hatishbi (Elijah’s Cave), Song

Recorded in Jerusalem 1962 Lucie Arnon, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor The Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Shmuel Hupert Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Shortly before moving to the city of Haifa, Israel, Lavry met with poet Shmuel Hupert who gave him his poem Me’arat Hatishbi (Elijah’s Cave) that tells…

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Roeh Tzon (Shepherd), Song

Recording from April 9, 1952 Shoshana Shoshan, Soprano Max Lampel, Piano Lyrics: Avraham Shlonsky Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Lavry composed two of his friend poet Avraham Shlonsky’s poems. Zemer (Tune) had become one of best known songs in the Hebrew repertoire while Roeh Tzon is still waiting for its moment to shine….

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Baderech (On the Way), Song

A Historic recording from September 3, 1952: Antonia Lavanne, Soprano Yaacov Shlezinger, Piano Lyrics: Rachel (Rachel Bluwstein) Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Lavry composed two of Rachel’s poems: Baderech (On the Way) and El Artzi (For my Land.) Baderech is one of Rachel intimate and sad poems. Lavry’s music is written as a…

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Kach Tov Li (I Feel So Good), Song

Track 1: Yaffa Yarkoni, Voice Hanan Vinternitz, Arranger and Conductor Instrumental Ensemble Recorded on March 28, 1960 Track 2: Luci Arnon, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recorded in Jerusalem on December 13, 1962 Lyrics: Avraham Broides Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: A fun song that inspires…

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Zot Admati (This is my Land), Song

Two historic recordings, probably from 1947: Track 1: Zot Admati for Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Track 2: Zot Admati for Choir and Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: David Shimoni Additional details:…

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At Moledet (My Homeland), Song

At Moledet for Soprano and Orchestra: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Leah Goldberg Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis: The song At Moledet (My Homeland) is one of the many songs Lavry composed to lyrics by prominent poets, right after immigrating to Israel, and which related…

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Hikiti La’isha (I waited for the woman) (Tango), Song

A Recording from September 30, 1959: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Note: Chikiti La’isha was originally written for Soprano and Piano. As he often did, Lavry composed an arrangement for Soprano and orchestral accompaniment for his recording with singer Netania Davrath. Lyrics: Rafael Eliaz Publisher: The…

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Ima-Em (Mother), Song

Note: Lavry incorporated the song Ima-Em in his 1964 orchestral poem Ima-Em (Mother), Op. 339. Recording: Not yet available Lyrics: Ya’acov Orland Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Lavry was touched by Ya’acov Orland’s poem, Ima-Em, a tribute to motherhood. He was deeply in love with his wife, Helena Lavry, and idolized her as…

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Halamti Halom (I Had a Dream)

Performance: Cantor Zvee Aroni Lyrics: S. Shalom See lyrics in Hebrew Note: Also known as Chalamti Chalom Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis: The song “Halamti Halom” (I Dreamed a Dream) was written a few months after the establishment of the state of Israel. This is a patriotic song in which the poet S. Shalom is…

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Shnei Orchim (Two Visitors), Song

Track 1: Shnei Orchim from the Album Tikiliton Chava Alberstein, Voice Yurik Ben-David, Accompaniment Recorded in 1977 Track 2: Shnei Orchim for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recording: November 30,1953 Track 3: Shnei Orchim for Voice and Piano Lior Stern, Soprano Yoav Meir…

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Hayom Shabbat (Today is the Sabbath), Song

Ronenay Hacarmel Choir Marc Lavry (Conductor) Lyrics: Michael Desheh Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Lyrics: Hayom Shabbat/Michael Desheh (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Hayom lashemesh yoter or, Hayom raki’a ram, tahor, Hatziporim smechot gam hen, Velaprachim kiflayim chen. Gam ima chaviva kol kach Ve’aba tov umevudach, Mekushatim kol ben uvat, Hayom shabbat, hayom shabbat! Shabbat shalom…

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