
Tag: Baritone

Yiftach Ubito (Jephta and his Daughter)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Sonia Brown Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038376370205171, 990038376350205171, 990038376380205171, 990038376340205171 Additional Details: The libretto is based on a novel by Lion Feuchtwanger. Synopsis: Sonia Brown met Lavry in 1965 while in Los Angeles when he was invited…

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Homat Yerushalayim (The Wall of Jerusalem), Oratorio

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Aharon Ashman Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990037145650205171 Sheet Music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition. Synopsis: Oratorio in 2 parts for soloists, narrator, 2 choirs and orchestra. The play by…

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Shir Hahalutz (The Pioneer Song)

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics by: Avigdor Hame’iri Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038428550205171, 990038428550205171, 990037147930205171 Information from the composer’s opus book: The composition was performed at the Jerusalem Radio – May 2, 1938 (singer: Erenstein)

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Chatuna (Wedding), Suite

Movements: Overture, March, Minuet, Joker (Badchan), Polka Recording: Not yet available Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038369170205171, 990038369090205171 Synopsis: The piece humorously describes the dancing and the atmosphere at a typical Jewish wedding. Note: Lavry originally wrote the suite Wedding (Chatuna) in 1937 for…

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Shki’ah Biyerushalayim (Jerusalem at Sunset), Song

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics: Shmuel Huppert Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990035290100205171 Synopsis: In 1965 Marc Lavry, who just moved to Haifa, composed three songs by poet Shmuel Huppert, also from Haifa: Shki’ah Biyerushalayim (Sunset In Jerusalem), Song, Op. 342, Yalda Ohav (I…

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Leilot Bemasada (Nights on Masada), Song

Recording: Not yet available Lyrics: Yitzhak Lamdan Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis: Leilot Bemasada is the last composition in Lavry’s opus book. It’s interesting to note that this is one of the very few songs the composer wrote specifically for a baritone voice. Lyrics: Leilot Bemasada / Yitzhak Lamdan (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Yeshnam…

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Ts’ad Shimshon (March, Samson), Song

Historic recordings from 1948: Track 1: Marc Lavry, Conductor, Yosefa Shoken, Soprano Yosef Pollak, Baritone Choir and Orchestra (no details) Track 2: Symphonic Orchestra (no details) Lyrics: Avigdor Hame’iri Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990038500200205171, 990038500180205171, 990037127760205171< Additional details: for information about Ts’ad Shimshon for...

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Eich Naflu Giborim (How the Mighty have Fallen), Cantata – II

Note: In 1965, Marc Lavry composed a cantata Eich Naflu Giborim (How the Mighty have Fallen) – II, Opus 340, based on the biblical text “Thy Beauty, O Israel, Upon Thy High Places Is Slain” for Baritone, Choir, Strings, 3 Horns and Timpani. It was the second time he used the same text. In 1937…

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Eich Naflu Giborim (How the Mighty have Fallen), Cantata – I

Note: In 1937 Marc Lavry composed the first cantata Eich Naflu Giborim (How the Mighty have Fallen) – I, Opus 41 – “Thy Beauty, O Israel, Upon Thy High Places Is Slain” for Baritone and Symphonic Orchestra. At that time, Lavry was working with a Men’s Quartet so he made an adaptation of the Baritone…

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Boker Al Hachof (Morning on the Beach), Song

A recording from September 30, 1959: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Avraham Broides Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society (the sheet music is currently missing) Synopsis: In 1959, Lavry wrote three popular songs: Kach Tov Li (I Feel So Good), Opus 283, Hikiti La’isha (I…

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Roeh Tzon (Shepherd), Song

Recording from April 9, 1952 Shoshana Shoshan, Soprano Max Lampel, Piano Lyrics: Avraham Shlonsky Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Lavry composed two of his friend poet Avraham Shlonsky’s poems. Zemer (Tune) had become one of best known songs in the Hebrew repertoire while Roeh Tzon is still waiting for its moment to shine….

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Mi Anachnu? (Who Are We?), Song

Photo by Marina Shemesh

Track 1: Variation for choir Recorded April 15, 1956 Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Track 2: Variation for Coloratura Soprano and Choir sung by Hanna Aharoni Recorded April 9, 1956 Hanna Aharoni, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The…

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Baderech (On the Way), Song

A Historic recording from September 3, 1952: Antonia Lavanne, Soprano Yaacov Shlezinger, Piano Lyrics: Rachel (Rachel Bluwstein) Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: Lavry composed two of Rachel’s poems: Baderech (On the Way) and El Artzi (For my Land.) Baderech is one of Rachel intimate and sad poems. Lavry’s music is written as a…

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Kach Tov Li (I Feel So Good), Song

Track 1: Yaffa Yarkoni, Voice Hanan Vinternitz, Arranger and Conductor Instrumental Ensemble Recorded on March 28, 1960 Track 2: Luci Arnon, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recorded in Jerusalem on December 13, 1962 Lyrics: Avraham Broides Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: A fun song that inspires…

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Zot Admati (This is my Land), Song

Two historic recordings, probably from 1947: Track 1: Zot Admati for Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Track 2: Zot Admati for Choir and Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: David Shimoni Additional details:…

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