
Category: A Cappella

Hora, Song

Note: This song, that begins with the words “Hach baregel mata, mala…” was written two years after Marc Lavry’s popular Hora song Opus 206 No. 3 (Hora nirkoda…) Hora for voice, choir and orchestra: A recording from October 19, 1952: Yaffa Yarkoni, Voice Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Kol…

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Yeshan Machmadi (Sleep My Darling), Song

Rachel Nachmias, Mezzo-Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Israel Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Yaacov Kahan Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: The lullaby Yeshan Machmadi (Sleep My Darling) was composed by Lavry in Haifa, Israel on December 29, 1963 to the lyrics of Yaacov Cahan. Lyrics: Yeshan Machmadi / Yaacov Kahan (Transliteration…

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Zot Admati (This is my Land), Song

Two historic recordings, probably from 1947: Track 1: Zot Admati for Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Track 2: Zot Admati for Choir and Orchestra Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: David Shimoni Additional details:…

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Hayom Shabbat (Today is the Sabbath), Song

Ronenay Hacarmel Choir Marc Lavry (Conductor) Lyrics: Michael Desheh Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Lyrics: Hayom Shabbat/Michael Desheh (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Hayom lashemesh yoter or, Hayom raki’a ram, tahor, Hatziporim smechot gam hen, Velaprachim kiflayim chen. Gam ima chaviva kol kach Ve’aba tov umevudach, Mekushatim kol ben uvat, Hayom shabbat, hayom shabbat! Shabbat shalom…

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Shir Le’Eilat (Song for Eilat), Song

Recording: Not Available yet Lyrics: Michael Desheh Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Lyrics: Shir Le’Eilat/Michael Desheh (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Beinot risey tzurim, besa’arot yamim, Ayelet yam alit, yafa vachasufa; Tirot harey rikma otrot lach tznif ramim Ve’et libot ha’am lachadet besufa. Yefat harim, kchulat einayim, Ayelet arava Yomam valeil yushar lach Halel…

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Shir Eres (Lullaby), Song

A historic recording of the song Shir Eres for alto, choir and orchestral accompaniment: Tsiporah Kuperman, Alto Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Shaul Tchernichovsky Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis: In his article titled “Tchernichovsky in Music” musicologist Menashe Ravinah wrote about Shir Eres: “In…

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Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim (If I forget thee, O Jerusalem), Song

Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Lyrics: Psalms 137 Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Lyrics:Im Eshkachech Yerushakayim (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Im eshkachech yerushalayim Tishkach yemini Tidbak leshoni lechiki Im lo ezkerechi Im lo a’aleh et yerushalayim Al rosh simchati Translation (Psalms 137) If I forget thee,…

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Emek (Shir Ha-Emek), Song

Note: This version of Emek is that of the popular song. There is also Emek, Symphonic Poem, Opus 45 based on this song. A historic recording from September 4, 1958: Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) A historic video from 1972: The Nahal (military) group performing Emek as part of…

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Kumi Ts’i (Come Out, My Sister, My Bride), Song

Soprano and orchestral accompaniment: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (the Broadcasting Service Orchestra)   Voice and piano accompaniment: Tom Ben Ishai (Mezzo Soprano) Daniel Kruglov (Piano) Lyrics: Chaim Nachman Bialik Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Lyrics: (transliterated from Hebrew to English) Kumi ts’i achoti chala, Kumi ts’i, Kumi ts’i…

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Oved Admato (He that Tills His Land), Song

For Choir with Small Ensemble Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Proverbs 12: 11-12 He that tilleth his ground shall have plenty of bread; but he that followeth after vain things is void of understanding. Transliteration from Hebrew: Shma bni musar avicha Ve’al titosh torat imecha….

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Machol (Dance), Song

Track 1: Machol for Voice and Orchestra Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Track 2: Special arrangement for popular singer Yaffa Yarkoni Recorded June 19, 1956 Yaffa Yarkoni, Voice Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Members of the Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service…

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Shir Roim (Shepherds’ Song), Song

Shir Ro’im for Soprano and Orchestral accompaniment: Netania Davrath, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Note: Shir Ro’im was written originally for Voice and Piano. Lavry also wrote an arrangement for Voice and Orchestral and an arrangement for A Cappella Choir. Lyrics: Raphael Eliaz Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis:…

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Midan Ve’ad Be’er Sheva (From the Dan to Be’er Sheba), Song

Track 1: Midan Ve’ad Be’er Sheva for A Cappella Choir Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Recorded on September 4,1958 Track 2: Midan Ve’ad Be’er Sheva for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recorded in 1953 Lyrics: Avraham Broides…

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Rikud Teimani (Yemenite Dance), Song

Rikud Teimani (Yemenite Dance), Song

Recording: Not available yet Additional details: email music@marclavry.org Synopsis: The Yemenite Dance is a sung without words, accompanied by triangle and tom-tom.

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Hora, Song

Hora for soprano and instrumental accompaniment: an arrangement Marc Lavry made especially for singer Hanna Aharoni who has a unique range of four octaves. Hanna Aharoni, Soprano Dov Navon, Conductor Instrumental Ensemble Rinat Choir live in France, 1965 Gary Bertini, Conductor Note: This song, that begins with the words “Hora nirkoda…” is the first Hora…

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