
Yeshan Machmadi (Sleep My Darling), Song

Opus: 336 Year: 1963 
Voice and Piano
Voice and Orchestra
A Cappella Choir
2:20 min
Sheet Music
Yeshan Machmadi for A-Cappella ChoirFREE
Yeshan Machmadi for Voice and PianoFREE

Rachel Nachmias, Mezzo-Soprano
Marc Lavry, Conductor
Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Israel Broadcasting Service Orchestra)

Lyrics: Yaacov Kahan

Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society

The lullaby Yeshan Machmadi (Sleep My Darling) was composed by Lavry in Haifa, Israel on December 29, 1963 to the lyrics of Yaacov Cahan.

Lyrics: Yeshan Machmadi / Yaacov Kahan
(Transliteration from Hebrew)

Yeshan Machmadi,
Yeshan uvtach.
Kan ya’ar shaket,
Libi hu lach.

Kan ya’ar yarok
Bo or vachom;
Tisba menucha
Ve’eden sham.