
Category: Children's Songs

Chadash Hayom Shirenu, (A New Day, A New Song), Song

A partial recording of the song: Oded Sandach, Voice Gabi Argov, Arrangement and Piano Recorded in 2021 Lyrics: Levin Kipnis Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990024537320205171, 990024578370205171 Synopsis: The song “Chadash Hayom Shirenu” was written in honor of the Israeli Independence Day in the…

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Shnei Orchim (Two Visitors), Song

Track 1: Shnei Orchim from the Album Tikiliton Chava Alberstein, Voice Yurik Ben-David, Accompaniment Recorded in 1977 Track 2: Shnei Orchim for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recording: November 30,1953 Track 3: Shnei Orchim for Voice and Piano Lior Stern, Soprano Yoav Meir…

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Mischak (Game), Song

Note: The song Mischak is part of a collection of children’s songs Opus 200: No. 1: Shnei Orchim (Two Visitors) No. 2: Parpar Aviv (Spring Butterfly) No. 3: Habuba Vehabubonet (The Big Doll and the Small Doll) No. 4: Dani Gibor (Brave Danny) No. 5: Mischak (Game) Mischak for Voice and Piano – 2013: Lior…

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Dani Gibor (Brave Danny), Song

Track 1: Dani Gibor for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recorded on November 30,1953 Track 2: Dani Gibor for Voice and Piano Lior Stern, Soprano Yoav Meir Weiss, Piano Recorded in 2013 Note: The song Dani Gibor is part of a collection of…

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Habuba Vehabubonet (The Big Doll and the Small Doll), Song

Track 1: Habuba Vehabubonet for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recording: November 30,1953 Track 2: Habuba Vehabubonet for Voice and Piano Lior Stern, Soprano Yoav Meir Weiss, Piano Recorded in 2013 Note: The song Habuba Vehabubonet is part of a collection of children’s…

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Parpar Aviv (Spring Butterfly), Song

Track 1: Parpar Aviv for Voice and Orchestra Ethel Zusman, Soprano Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra) Recording: November 30,1953 Track 2: Parpar Aviv for Voice and Piano Lior Stern, Soprano Yoav Meir Weiss, Piano Recorded in 2013 Note: The song Parpar Aviv is part of a collection of children’s…

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Yom Huledet (Birthday), A Children’s Play in Three Scenes

Track 1: Ba’a Ba’a Hatizmoret – 1978 recording: From the album Uga, Uga Voice: Ruhama Producer and arranger: Yurik Ben-David Track 2: Ba’a Ba’a Hatizmoret – 1968 recording: From the album 51 Children Songs The Bet Hakerem School Children’s Choir, Jerusalem Producer and arranger: Roni Ozer Lyrics: Yakov David Kamzon Manuscripts: located at the National Library of…

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Orit Mesaperet (Orit’s Stories), Cantata for Children

A Dec. 14, 1954 recording: Yaffa Yarkoni, Voice Marc Lavry, Conductor Kol Zion Lagola Choir (The Broadcasting Service Choir) Instrumental Ensemble Lyrics: Michael Desheh (in Hebrew.) Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society Synopsis: The cantata for children, Orit Mesaperet (Orit’s Stories), includes 9 of Michael Desheh’s poems he wrote for his daughter Orit. Lavry, whose…

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