Shir Hashririm (The Muscles Song), Song
An anthem of the seventh international rally of Hapoel Association

Original borchure for Shir Hashririm, from the 7th International Rally of the Hapo’el Association in 1960
Recording: Not yet available
Lyrics: Yossi Gamzu (see Hebrew lyrics)
Additional details: email music@marclavry.org
The song Shir Hashririm (The Muscle Song) was composed in 1960 for the Seventh International Rally of the Hapo’el Association in Israel. Professor Yossi Gamzu, who wrote the song’s lyrics, says:
Many years ago, the management of the Hapo’el [sports association] held a competition for Israeli poets to submit lyrics for an anthem for the Seventh International Rally of the Hapo’el Association at the Ramat-Gan Stadium. I was fortunate that the judging panel, headed by [poet] Avraham Shlonsky, awarded my humble text the first place. A subsequent competition for composing the music was then held between Israeli composers, and the music by great Marc Lavry was chosen as the melody to my humble word.
The song was published in Hebrew and translated to English, French and Spanish.
In 1961, Lavry arranged the song for the Israeli Defense Forces Orchestra (a symphonic band).
(transliterated from Hebrew to English)
Misadot venofim, misadnot umnofim
Avivit menashevet haru’ach!
Alufim — alufim shehafchu alafim
Sho’atim baitztad hapatu’ach!
Vehaboker nirgash, metzapeh umyachel
Letupim utki’at chatzotzrot,
Ve’oleh al migrash, uveketzev hachel
Mit’amel letzlilei shir-atzeret…
Ze’hu shir hashririm
Lachultza hakchula
Vela’am bakfarim
Uva’ir hagdola,
Hanoshem melo chazeh
Velogem migvi’im
Et haboker hazeh
Bakinus hashvi’i
Shir hashririm.
Mipatish habonim ad zorkei hapatish
Umediskus pashut anu ktovet
Gam lediskus hatas migvahim umetish
Et chukei hanfila vehakoved!
Ki misal he’asif ad taba’at hasal
Nimtachot po otan haydayim
Sheyadanu lehosif reshet — af — vechasal! –
El rishtot hachashmal vehadayig…
Ze’hu shir hashririm…
Beturnir uvanir, bemerotz umasa,
Beschiya (gam neged hazerem)!
Kan nimdedet ha’aretz parsa al parsa
Vroletkot chogrot la keseret…
Ki azim uzkufim ba avrnu avor
Min ha’emek ad reches-hashacham –
Beshi’yut-hachofim’ beritzat-hatavor,
Betzlichat hakineret im shachar!
Ze’hu shir hashririm…