Hamaccabiah Tsoedet (The Maccabiah Marches), Song
Track 1: Hamaccabiah Tsoedet for voice, choir and orchestra
Original recording from 1950
Naomi Zuri, Mezzo Soprano
Marc Lavry, Conductor
The National Opera Choir
The Israeli Folk Orchestra
Track 2: Hamaccabiah Tsoedet for symphonic band
Shalom Ronly-Riklis, Conductor
Israel Defense Forces Orchestra
Lyrics: Avraham Broides
Additional details: email music@marclavry.org
The Ramat Gan stadium was built for the third Maccabiah sports convention in Israel, and it opened on September 27, 1950 in the presence of forty five thousand people, half of whom sat on the bleachers and the rest on the lawn.
Marc Lavry and lyricist Avraham Broides were commissioned to write the Maccabiah March for the opening ceremony. Lavry also was the conductor at the event.
Lyrics: Hamaccabiah Tsoedet (The Maccabiah Marches) by Avraham Broides
(transliterated from Hebrew to English
Anachnu Sharim po et shir hamitzad,
Kol beit Yisrael lev echad.
Miyam ve’ad yam mikatzvei hadrachim,
Kulanu kulanu achim.
Rucheinu eitan vedigleinu el al,
Baruch hu hador hanig’al.
Bezohar tiferet va’oz mitlabim
Pla’ot shel ninei maccabim.
Smol yamin, smol yamin,
Na’apil vena’amin!
Negev vayam, negev vayam
Hamaccabi chai vekayam!
Yad beyad kadima,
Nes hagvurot narima
Yetzaltzel hashir
Bederech kfar va’ir.
Hamaccabiah Tsoedet
Besha’arei hamoledet.
Zoher veronen hamitz’ad:
Ha’aretz artzeinu la’ad.
Katef el katef tur shurot nitlaked,
Nanif lapideinu yoked.
Hineh zeh hayom nitkadesh nitnagen,
Nakuma lekol hamagen.
Uzeinu tzion lanu esh Maccabim,
Nigbar al son’einu rabim.
Druchim amitzim tehomot na’avor
Likrat hamerchav vehadror.
Smol yamin…