Baderech (On the Way), Song
A Historic recording from September 3, 1952:
Antonia Lavanne, Soprano
Yaacov Shlezinger, Piano
Lyrics: Rachel (Rachel Bluwstein)
Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society
Lavry composed two of Rachel’s poems: Baderech (On the Way) and El Artzi (For my Land.)
Baderech is one of Rachel intimate and sad poems. Lavry’s music is written as a recitative–aria that conveys the poet mood lamenting her misfortune.
It’s interesting to point that the style of this song resembles that of Efrat’s arias in Lavry’s opera Dan Hashomer (Dan The Guard) that was written at the same period of time.
Baderech / Rachel
(transliterated from Hebrew to English)
Veshuv merchav sadot, veru’ach dror
Vegil —
Ulai haya kil’ee chalom aroch, shachor
Ken, rak chalom mavhil?
Vetanchumei asir chalom af hem!
Ve’az —
Hayad asher yad’a lanud ulenachem
Yichleh zichra vagaz?
Chayee balev, atzevet leil niz’am,
Od kat!
Pen nasu hatslalim vegareru itam
Gam et ha’or hame’at.