
Yalda Ohav (I Will Love a Girl), Song

Opus: 343 Year: 1965 
Voice and Orchestra
Voice and Piano

Recording: Not yet available

Lyrics: Shmuel Huppert

Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990037139940205171, 990038501030205171

Synopsis: In 1965 Marc Lavry, who moved to Haifa, composed 3 songs by poet Shmuel Huppert, also from Haifa: Shki’ah Beerushalayim (Jerusalem at Sunset), Song, Op. 342, Yalda Ohav (I Will Love a Girl), Op. 343 and Chavatzelet Hasharon (Lily of the Sharon), Op. 345.

Lyrics: Yalda Ohav / Shmuel Huppert
(transliterated from Hebrew to English)

Be’itsvoni at mehavhevet
Kefereg bar, bisdeh dagan
Giv’ol zakuf, kipa shalhevet
Chi’yuch pore’ach – argaman.

Beleilotai at mitholelet
Kochav bahir be’ofel leil
Gal nitzotzot – at mecholelet
Rikus same’ach – or vatzel.

Im or hayom at ne’elemet
Pninat hatal ha’avuda
Rak bdiduti otach cholemet
Zaka ohevet… agada.

Yalda –
Kefereg bar
Yalda –
Yalda –
Ke’egel tal
Yalda –
Ohav… ohav