Tsror Hamor (A Sachet of Myrrh), From Song of Songs, Song

Opus: 137.9 Year: 1940 
Voice and Piano
2:30 min
Sheet Music
Tsror Hamor for Voice and PianoFREE

Note: Tsror Hamor is an Aria from the Oratorio Song of Songs, Op. 137.

Video recording from the June 17, 2012 Salute to Marc Lavry Concert:
Claire Meghnagi, Soprano
Irena Friedland, Piano


Lyrics: Song of Songs

Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society

Tsror hamor
Dodi li,
Bein shadai yalin.

Yishakeini minshikot peehu,
Ki tovim dodecha miyayin.

B’tach dodi udmeh lecha litzvi,
Oh le’ofer ha’ayalim al harei besamim

My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh that lies between my breasts
(chapter 1, verse 13)

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine
(chapter 1, verse 1)

Come away, my beloved,
and be like a gazelle
or like a young stag
on the spice-laden mountains
(chapter 8, verse 14)



Salute Concert to Marc Lavry
June 17, 2012 8:30PM concert at the Enav Center in Tel-Aviv
The aria Shechora Ani from Song of Songs will be performed by
Soprano Claire Meghnagi
Pianist Irena Friedland