
Tayas Ivri (Israeli Pilot), Song

Opus: 261.3 Year: 1956 
Voice and Piano

Recording: Not yet available

Lyrics: Avraham Levinson

Sheet music: Not yet located. Please help us find the sheet music for this composition.

Synopsis: In 1956, when the IDF won the battle in the Sinai Campaign, numerous poets praised the army in song. Many texts were sent to Marc Lavry who composed five of them: Mi Anachnu (Who We Are?), Op. 261.1, Shir Hatotchanim (The Artillery Song), Op. 261.2, Israeli Pilot, Op. 261.3, Shir Hachovesh (The Medic Song), Op. 265 and Sipur (Story), Op. 266.

Lyrics: Tayas Ivri / Avraham Levinson
(transliterated from Hebrew to English)

Metarter matos bishmei ha’aretz
Hed kolo nechba ba’anana,
Ach Nepal birkat tayas yoredet
El admat artzeinu haktana.

Matana kibalnu meshuleshet
Mehashemesh – or boke’a av,
Meharu’ach – oz ratzon ka’eshet,
Mishamayim chofesh umerchav.


          Lo neichat achim mechaziz vara’am,
          Neged kol oyvenu namri,
          Zar el artzeinu lo yiflosh af pa’am,
          Kol od chai tayas ivri.

          Anu no’azim vekalei knafayim,
          Belibeinu – lahat umri,
          Lanu ha’aretz velanu hashamayim
          Kol od chai tayas ivri.

Anu tayasim, nishrei moledet
Al mishmar bemerchavei marom,
Ve’eineinu yom valeil nitzmedet
El tzafon ufa’atei darom.

Mistara’at eretz hamoreshet
Ugdote’ha melatef hayam,
Lanu zeh hayam vehayabeshet,
Kevashnum ba’avoda vedam.

          Lo neichat achim mechaziz vara’am…