Jerusalem, Symphonic Poem – I
Recording: A live recording of Jerusalem, Symphonic Poem for Chamber Orchestra, May 29, 2016 in Trieste, Italy:
David Cassali, Conductor
Trieste Orchestra
Note: Jerusalem, Symphonic Poem for Chamber Orchestra is 13 minutes long. The version for Symphonic Orchestra is 16 minutes long.
Publisher: The Marc Lavry Heritage Society
Lavry was always in awe of Jerusalem and was humbled by the uniqueness of the city and its history. Throughout the years he wrote three symphonic compositions about the city.
In 1936 Lavry wrote Symphonic Poem Jerusalem – I, Op. 43 for chamber orchestra, which was debuted in Jerusalem on September 26, 1936 by the Palestinian Symphony Orchestra. A year later he adapted the composition for symphonic orchestra.
In 1950 he moved to Jerusalem.
In June 1953 he composed a second Symphonic Poem Jerusalem – II, Op. 249. It was debuted that year in Jerusalem by the Kol Israel Symphony Orchestra (The Broadcasting Service Orchestra).
In 1960 he wrote a suite for orchestra Pictures from Jerusalem, Op. 293.