Shir Hayeled Nissim (Song of Nissim the Boy), Song
Lyrics: Natan Alterman
Sheet music: email music@marclavry.org
Shir Hayeled Nissim (Song of Nissim the Boy) is a song from the satirical play Hagayas He’aliz (The Merry Recruiter) staged by the Matateh Theater, and premiered on November 12, 1940.
In one of the scenes the city of Tel Aviv is in darkness. The song tells of the boy Nissim who sleeps on the streets except on Shabbat (the sabbath) when he gets to sleep in a shelter and dream of the streetlights and billboards.
The role of the child Nissim in the original play was performed and sung by Esther Gamlielit who later recorded the song.
Lyrics: Shir Hayeled Nisim / Natan Alterman
(2 of 10 stanzas transliterated from Hebrew to English. See the Hebrew composition page for the complete lyrics.)
Eifo ani tzamachti ya chaviv?
Al midrachot shel ima tel aviv
Eifo ani gadalti ba’olam?
Bein mugrabi uvein retzif hayam.
Lachen ani zocher od, ya chaviv,
Et haleilot shel ima tel aviv
Chashmal gadol ba’ar bapanasim
Ufanasim he’iru et nisim.