Tel Aviv, Song
Recording: Not yet available
Lyrics: Natan Alterman
Manuscripts: Located at the National Library of Israel Music Department, the Marc Lavry Archive, System Number(s) 990024073970205171
Synopsis: The song was performed by Shmuel Rodensky in the play “The Secret Weapon” staged by the Matateh Theater in 1941.
Anecdote: In the Opus book the song “Tel Aviv” appears under the entry “Matateh XII” referring to his 12th play for the Matateh Theater. Lavry did not write the names of the plays and mentioned only a few songs from each play.
Lyrics: Tel Aviv, Song/Natan Alterman (transliterated from Hebrew to English)
(2 of 9 stanzas)
Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv,
Chesronot bach matzanu lo pa’am.
Vechol ba’al lashon, ya-chaviv,
Chazizim bach shalach vegam ra’am.
Aval po, ma litz’ok velikro?
Po margish ata bli da’at lama,
Eich hallen, yimach ahmo vezichro,
Mitga’age’a bekohl zot leshma.