Pardes Hanna, Song

The lyrics to the song Pardes Hanna in lyricist Michael Deshe’s handwriting, courtesy of the archive of the city of Pardes Hanna
Recording: Not yet available
Lyrics: Michael Deshe
Additional details: email music@marclavry.org
Synopsis: For the 50th anniversary of Pardes Hanna, the city commissioned a song from the poet Michael Deshe and the composer Marc Lavry.
The only record of the song exists in the archive of the city of Pardes Hanna: A note with Michael Deshe’s handwritten text and a copy of the music, not in Lavry’s handwriting. Unfortunately, as he often did, Lavry didn’t keep a copy of the sheet music and didn’t record it in his opus book.
<strong>Lyrics: Pardes Hanna / Michael Deshe
(transliterated from Hebrew to English)
Pardes Hanna s’ei doron
Me’ohavayich shevach ron
Ki yafyafit mibnot shomron
Chovkech midbar cholot zahav
Limrashotaich hacarmel
Svivech shochnim shivtei arav
Alit tzamacht piryech gamel.